Support Dr. OP Bhalla Foundation


‘Generosity knows no bounds when hearts unite for a noble cause!’

Awaken your inner philanthropist & transform lives. Let us together ignite hope and transform dreams into realities. Your contribution can help us address pressing societal challenges and weave the fabric of society with charisma. From career counseling programs to addressing hunger and healthcare challenges, your contribution plays a vital role in transforming lives and fostering a more equitable society.

Your generosity can help address pressing societal challenges and improve the lives of countless individuals. Together, we can become a powerful force for positive change, driving progress and creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. With our passion, resources, and commitment, let us shape a better world for everyone.


Margdarshan-Career Counseling Program

Budget: Rs 36,41,000

The 'Margdarshan- Career Counseling Program' aims to provide career guidance to underprivileged government school students in Faridabad, focusing on grades 10 to 12. The project, having successfully guided over 200 students, now requires support for 50 laptops, 50 dongles, and two dedicated career counselors to expand its impact to an annual target of 5000 students.


Ek Mutthi Daan: No One Sleeps Hungry

Budget: Rs 30,16,500

With an objective of addressing hunger issues in the country, the 'Ek Mutthi Daan: No One Sleeps Hungry', aimed at addressing hunger issues in India, collects dry grains through donations The initiative has gathered around 93,500 kgs since 2014, with a recent collection of over 19,000 kgs in 2022. To continue tackling malnutrition and supporting those in need, the project outlines a budget of Rs. 30,16,500 for procuring rice, dal, transportation, labor, packing, distribution, refreshments, campaign brochures, and contingency funds for an annual target of 4000 people.


Anaemia Mukt Manav Rachna

Budget: Rs 8,03,000

The 'Anaemia Mukt Manav Rachna' initiative aims to address the prevalence of anaemia among students, faculty, and staff at the Manav Rachna campus. The comprehensive campaign involves awareness programs, health screenings, and a holistic approach to tackle anaemia through counseling and lifestyle improvements. The project seeks financial support for medical supplies, educational materials, workshop resources, and social media advocacy.


Health and Welfare Program

Budget: Rs 5,44,500

The 'Health & Welfare Program' by the Dr OP Bhalla Foundation addresses the healthcare challenges faced by underprivileged individuals in India. The initiative provides free health services, including dental checkups, physiotherapy, nutrition & dietetics consultations, and mental health checkups. Aimed at spreading health awareness, the initiative has made a positive impact on over 18,000 lives. Support can be extended through both monetary donations and volunteer participation in health camps.


Give Her Wings to Fly

Budget: Rs 8,33,800

The "Give Her Wings to Fly" project addresses the menstrual hygiene challenges in underserved communities. Focused on providing access to hygiene products, breaking taboos, supporting education, and bringing about a transformation in over 5000 lives, the initiative seeks monetary and product donations, advocacy, and volunteer support.


Kaushal Karyashala-IT Skill Training Program

Budget: Rs 9,35,000

Introduced by Dr. OP Bhalla Foundation, 'Kaushal Karyashaala – IT Skill Training Program' empowers government school students in grades 9 to 12 with basic IT/ITeS skills. The initiative aims to combat the menace of increased school dropout ratio by opening avenues for practical learning and training with the final landing on the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) certification. The foundation seeks support through monetary donations, in-kind contributions (laptops, computers, and stationery), and volunteer assistance for a batch of around 200 students.


Donate Life: Join the Organ Revolution

Budget: Rs 3,69,600

With this one-year campaign, give the gift of life and treasure sheer happiness and joy. Be a hero!